Verbs= doing words

There are several different verb vocabulary pages linked in this section. 

Each section contains :
pictures or photos of each action verb,
individual verb words beside or beneath photo,
simple sentences using “I” with each verb
sentences using pronouns I, you, he, she, we, you, they
and present tense of each verb

Very Basic Action Verbs: these pages contain action words we use in every day life. There are pictures of each verb/action, words/verbs and simple sentences with those very basic action verbs.

Link: Basic Action Verbs: page 1    (sit, stand, walk, look, listen, talk, think read )

English  verbs pg 1 pictures and words


Link to Basic Verbs: Page 2, pictures, words, sentences  (read, write, count, cut, color etc)



Link to Morning/Daily  Activities Verbs: Group 1:  Wake up, Get up etc,  pictures, words, sentences,


Link to Morning Activities: Group 2:  Eat breakfast, go to work etc,  Words, pictures sentences



Link to Verbs: call, cook, drive, eat, listen, paint, play, read  etc.

English verbs call labels  page 79


Link to Verbs: classroom directions: stand up, go to the board, write your name, erase your name, sit down, take out your book, open your book etc

English classroom verbs simple phrase


More verbs are included in the headline tab  “Kitchen” which can be viewed by clicking on the following links:

Link: Cooking verbs:  Cooking verbs with pictures of each verb, word, each verb used in a variety of sentences, verb tenses, making questions using each verb. (There are many printable pdf copies of pages in this link )

English vocabulary verbs cooking kitchen verbs

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Link: Household chores and house work verbs pictures of actions, verb name, verbs used in sentences using different verb tenses, making questions using each verb.  (There are many printable pdf copies of pages in this link )


English vocabulary verbs chores cleaning verbs

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