2. Short vowel sounds and words: a, e, i, o, u

english starfall short vowel actiivities

Short vowels sounds

English short vowels sounds signs and words


Vowels= a, e, i, o, u
(and sometimes y )

Every English word has at least one vowel in it

Sometimes, those vowels say their “names”= the name of the letter as you say it in ABC’s. Those are called “long vowel” sounds.

Many times, however, those vowels have a different sound= a short vowel sound.


See below for practice saying each short vowel sound

a=sounds like the first sound in the word apple

e= sounds like the first sound in the word egg

i= sounds like the first sound in the words itty-bitty

o= sounds like the first sound in the word octopus

u= sounds like the first sound in the word up


Wow!  Links to good Starfall online videos, for each short vowel sound

english starfall short vowel actiivities
(click on links, below,  to hear the short vowel sounds. There are 2 different links for each short vowel sound.  In that website, they say the sounds out loud and you can listen to the short vowels sounds again and again)

short a =  a= (apple)
short e = e= egg
short i = i = itty bitty
short o = o = octopus 
short u  = u = up 


The short vowel sounds are in the middle of the words below.

Please practice:
say each short vowels sound by itself.
Then, please practice reading the lists of short vowel words.
(if that is too hard, just say the vowel sounds)
Please practice again and again.
The more you practice, the easier this will be.


English short vowels sounds signs and words




short a sound and words= the sound at the beginning of the word “apple”

Please practice:
read and say each word out loud,
look at the picture of that word to help you understand what that word means,
read the sentence about that word.
(if that is too hard, just practice the one word)
Read the words and sentences again and again and again.

The more you practice reading and saying these words again and again, the easier this will become


English short a words etc



short e sound and words= the sound at the beginning for the word egg

Please practice:
read and say each word out loud,
look at the picture of that word to help you understand what that word means,
read the sentence about that word.
(if that is too hard, just practice the one word)
Read the words and sentences again and again and again.

The more you practice reading and saying these words again and again, the easier this will become


English short e words and sentences


short i sound and words= the sound at the beginning of “itty bitty”=
like the tiny dot above the i

Please practice:
read and say each word out loud,
look at the picture of that word to help you understand what that word means,
read the sentence about that word.
(if that is too hard, just practice the one word)
Read the words and sentences again and again and again.

The more you practice reading and saying these words again and again, the easier this will become

English short i words and sentences




short o sound and words= the sound at the beginning for the word “octopus”

Please practice:
read and say each word out loud,
look at the picture of that word to help you understand what that word means,
read the sentence about that word.
(if that is too hard, just practice the one word)
Read the words and sentences again and again and again.

The more you practice reading and saying these words again and again, the easier this will become


English short o words and sentences


short u sound and words= the sound at the beginning of the word up”

Please practice:
read and say each word out loud,
look at the picture of that word to help you understand what that word means,
read the sentence about that word.
(if that is too hard, just practice the one word)
Read the words and sentences again and again and again.

The more you practice reading and saying these words again and again, the easier this will become


English short u words and sentences






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